Monday, May 10, 2010


The Word "Forgotten"
There're no such word in friendship.
Frens wont be forgotten, even though they've did things that once hurt you, you'll still remember them.
You'll always thought of the funny things you did together.. the moments you've spent during tough times..

Sometimes, there'll be a long silence between us, but it doesnt mean that you're forgotten, or kicked out of my heart..It's just because of the hectic life hid you in the bottom of my heart.. 

Yi Tong asked, we've lost connection with Fei already?
We answered "Ya"..
But in the bottom of our heart, we all understand that no one can replace our position in each others heart..

There's is always a sudden while, where flashback started..
Think back of those silly days of ours..

Still remember the 988FM game we used to play?
Fei will pretend to be the ChenFung.. We take turns to phone him and tell him our problems (mostly make up one).. He'll console us.. Hahaha... 
Funny and stupid stories we make up..

And the 请你跟我这样做~ Clap with the tempo..

Singing in the class... Playing drama.. 


And I always mentioned bout the secondary life but seldom talk about the Pre-U stories, it doesnt mean that Pre-U life doesnt gave me anything valuable.
In Pre-U, I've learnt about co-operation. Working together as a family, to achieve the same goal.
Although there was always arguments, but we did learn from it.

Kar Wei said before, 一个人总不能讨好所有人,有人会觉得他好不代表全部人都觉得他好。
I always agree with this sentence.
No matter how hard I do, there will always be a mistake for someone to criticize me. I think it's good, but it doesnt mean that everyone must agree with me.


During my daily routine, I will only put more attention to a few people.. Cos these are those who will always attend me.

Top of my list of course is my StickyPad.

Then, it'll be Yi Tong. She is more than a friend (only when her Eddie is not around).  She is a part of my family.

Others are all hidden. 

Hidden not equals to forget.

Special dedication to Ling:
You are also not on the top of my list but you are "IN" my list.
Frankly speaking, there are always gossips around us but I do cherished you.
The time when we find food together.. walk pasar malam (you seldom fly me plane, not like somebody, I know that somebody knows I'm talking about her and I know she'll be reading this, I purposely one).
And during my toughest time, when all my beloved are not here with me, you're the only one entertaining me. Thanks for being with me.

Special dedication to Wai Kei:
I know she wont be reading this cos I think she dont even remember my blog address..
I dont know why I always treat you as a kid that needs a lot of protection.
You're capable to look after yourself, or even better than me but I always think that you're fragile.
You know, when I fill in my IPTA form, I really thought of excluding all Science courses but I put UKM in my 3rd choice because of you. Hope that I can get in there to accompany you.

And to those  音信全无 friends, if you all read my blog, leave me a message so that I knew you've drop by.


esther said...

yeee, i miss out this post le! lucky i got alwys check back tim!! yay!! big credit to myself yay yay yay!!

Sherry said...

hmm.. suin lei la.. muacks..
back kampar i treat u eat cake! ^^