Saturday, May 1, 2010


Again. I hate Sundays.
Last time when he worked, Sunday is his only off day, thus, he will spend the whole sunday sleeping.
Wake around noon, take lunch, and then nap till evening.

 I always want him to be with me, even we got nothing to do.
Just sit beside me is enough but he always say "Nothing to do, find you for wat?"
And if he dont find me, he will sleep at home.
Sleep again.

And if I'm angry, he will just continue hibernating, until I'm not angry anymore.
I hate it.

And one thing, he is living an idle life.
Everything nevermind. Only I alone worrying and fussing. 
Sigh. I dont I am over worried or what. 

Am I too greedy? 
All I want is you accompanying me.
When I start my studies, we will have less time being together.

What can I say if I myself cannot go find you? Only expecting you to come all the time.

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