Saturday, September 5, 2009

Things To do After Exam

First... I wanna go perm my hair... make it curly!

Then.. dye it... <<<>

Then... I wanna go shopping!!!!

I wan new skirts. new dresses. new bags. And Food!

I wan a new pair of shoes also... but it's hard for me to get one.
I'm very choosy on shoes.
Hard to buy. Sighhhhhh...

I wanna have a vacation.
Either with friends or family...

I wanna watch the dramas that I've missed.

I wanna eat and eat and then sleep.

I wanna play MapleSEA again... (erm.. although I'm a bit old for that)..

And I wanna have a memorable birthday. << It's my last year of teens.
I wonder why time passes so fast.

I wanna chat and chat and chat non-stop with you all!

Long time didn chat with Hui Xin. I miss you, dear!

(I've just boiled porridge with Wai Kei last night)

And I've a message for Hui Xin.
: You're not with me and my skin get itchy and then another people took ur place to torture me. She pinch me until I got bruises. Scratch me like I'm a parking coupon. Beat me with her ruler (her ruler is 20cm while mine is just 15cm, tat's why I always lose to her). And she is much tougher than you. She don't feel any pain even when I hit her hardly.
You should have a match with her. I'll bet on you.

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