Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gathering ^__^

My favourite day is coming!!!

All my loved ones are coming back to me...

Waiting and waiting day by day... and at last... the day came. ^__^

Wai Kei and Hui Xin are coming back today.
Yi Tong tomorrow..
And my long time no see honey (Yang Jie) came back last night.
(I called my mum to cook tong sui ler.. come drink!)

Missed them so so much.

So... there'll be a gathering tomorrow night.

Steamboat buffet!!
Time is around 8pm plus plus.

Cos some frens are having Physics tuition until 8pm.

Okays.. those early comers please gather at my house.
Then, those with cars please drive.
Cos some gals dont have transport (me XP)

Those involved are
Me me me XP Si yuen
Wai Kei
Yi Tong
Hui xin
Cheong Fei
Yi Chun
Yang Jie
Yoke Ling
Sek Yen
Mei Yee
Chee Yoong

Anyone interested to join please contact me for further informations. ^__^

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