Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Shopping DAy

21 Sept 2009, Monday.

With Yi Tong and Hui Xin...

Chee Yoong offered to be the driver...

There're no such thing as "window shopping" in our dictionary..

Yi Tong said she cant buy anymore clothes and end up... she bought a shorts.

Three of us saw that shorts.. RM69.90.. It's very nice... and I told them i dont wanna try it.. If I tried it on, I'll sure pawn everything to get money to buy it.

And so.. Hui Xin and Yi Tong go try. And come out. Yi Tong said it's very comfortable. The cutting is nice. And she wan it. So as Hui Xin.

Since it's so nice.. I try it. And it looks so nice on me... XP
And so.. I bought it too. =_=
I told myself not to spend so much... but I cant control myself.
I bought the pink one and they bought the white one with blue lines.

After shopping would definitely be eating.
A Japanese restaurant.

The food is awesome.

I always forget to take photos before eating. When I saw food, my mind will get out of control.

Yi Tong (Iwith the gyoza in her mouth)... we took photos again.

Me.. with my food... cost me around Rm25.00


and again..

never tired of taking photos.

And and and... I bought the last book of the Twilight Series... Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer.

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