Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cooking Party

Tonight (Thursday)... I cooked again.. this time with my frens...

Participants :
Ming Miin, Thai Ming, Yoke Ling, Mei Yee, Yi Chun and Sek Yen.

That day I told Yi Chun that I wanna cook Miso Soup... then, he say he'll make chicken to eat with my Miso Soup...

Then dunno what happened and then everyone says that they wanna prepare a dish...

So.. today we got many delicious food!

First of all... I prepare Miso Soup.. with tofu and seaweed...

And then.. I cooked the udon and some mushrooms...

And then.. Miso Udon is done!

(I forget to take photo for this... sigh... wasted... It's so tasty! Not joking, not lying!)

Then, Yoke Ling and Ming Miin prepare the vegetables...
Mixed vegetables.. Brocolli + Cabbage..

Then.. we (my KAiye actually =_=) cooked Asam long bean...
Very easy.. my mum made some Asam Laksa paste and keep it in the fridge...
Just cook the long beans with the paste... All done...

Next is Thai Ming's egg with erm... (mou gua) dunno what is that called.. =_=

And then... Yi Chun cook Chicken...

My Kaiye fried some rice for us also... becos the Udon is not enuff for us to feel satiated XP

And after all the oily.. spicy food... Mei Yee made blended Sunquick for us!

SOooooooooooo refreshing...

And lastly... prepared by me and Sek Yen (the ham is provided by Yoke Ling)

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