Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday, June 24 ,2008

Just recover from dengue fever. Sigh... last week really very tiring la... Went to the polyclinic to check my blood everyday...

One week no school... means I've to rush up 1 week's homework and notes...

My present school's discipline is super duper lousy. The students are noisy. They can walk around the school without getting scold. they can shout as they like. And the most amazing part is, students can go home at anytime they like (wont be caught) =_=". Yi Chun prove this to me. I never saw him caught by teachers before. And he can go to school at 8am ++...

Sigh... I realised that SMK Sentosa is a heaven. I love it...

Nearly forget about this.
Jie Jie is going to leave us to further his studies. Sobs sobs sobs...
We celebrated farewell last Saturday.
Sunday is Sek Yen's birthday.

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