Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Form 6 - My Choice

Although I still not sure whether entering Form 6 is a correct decision or not, but until now, I still can manage my life here.

Some advantages studying here. =)
1) Nid not worry about accommodation problem... food also.
2) Can stay with our frens and meet people we wanna meet often.
3) Study slowly (have more time for us to absorb what the teacher feed us).
4) Can take naps... (best la)...
5) No nid to waste time thinking wat to wear to school... the school uniform is nice what... =)
6) Still can go out with frens to "yum cha" together.

And I dun feel disappointed for not entering the matriculation course, just because I cant enter tis nub thing, I get more things as a reward. I nid not to suffer there, I can enjoy here.

Although its tough, but I can learn slowly. I can discuss with Mei Yee (super good teacher).
I can also have more time to prepare myself. And life in University wont be tough for me anymore in the future, because I'm learning more things compared to matriculation students.

The only thing I hate is I have to sit for STPM. I hate entering the exam hall. I hate the feeling of anticipating the results.

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