Wednesday, March 5, 2008

^Funny Tots= Silly Hui Xin^

Hui Xin : Fong, you see... is that cabbage?
Yang Jie : Haiyo!!! That is watermelon la!
Mok : Ya lo!!! You never see people planting watermelon meh? When you peel off the outer leaves, you'll get the watermelon!
All the boys : Ya lo!!! Haiyo... so foolish...
Hui Xin : Hah? Ya meh?
(Hui Xin halfly believed what the guys said)
Fong : STOP la you all... dont give her wrong informations again!!!

Haiz... how can Hui Xin be so silly... believe that watermelon in planted like that... a science student...Haiz...

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