Sunday, February 24, 2008

x-Emotional Me-x

Long time nv get so so mad le...
Not angry actually... is just dunno wat to do...
Just can sit there like a noob... cant do anything other than crying...
I cant believe that this could happen. Never never imagine that tis will happen. At that moment... I think I'm half mad.
My brain is full of questions, Why he never tell me? When did they started? Why am I so stupid?
How can things be like this? What can I do now?
Half blaming myself for being silly... half of me became crazy... The whole night I cant sleep...
Cant figure out why and how... (half insane le)
Until the morning, I get some explanation... get the answers for my questions...
Very tired le... My eyes cant open... At last can sleep le.

Between, thanks 2 person for chatting with me...
Yin, jia you jia you! We can do better!
Tq Jun... tq tq tq...

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