Thursday, February 28, 2008


I am the eldest among my siblings...
Got 2 brothers... Hock Leong and Zi Leong...
both are monster... cos they dont undertsand what I say de... cant communicate with them...
Zi Leong is the youngest.. the crybaby... loves to cry and can cry non-stop till I whacked him... he'll show me his ugly face and sit at a corner...wait till my mum/dad came home... he'll complain non-stop...
Hock Leong... haiz... can eat like a beast... he'll die if we dont feed him half day... worse than a dinosaur...
Besides..I got 2 god-brother...
My mum's god-son... and I m their dad's god-daughter...
Both of them older than me... so both of them is kor kor...
The older one I call him daigo (big bro)...
Another is Fish... cos his name is pronounce as "yu" in mandarin...

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