Sunday, June 20, 2010

14 Days to New Beginning

2 weeks more to the registration date..
Start preparing the school things.. many things to do and many things to settle.

Have to open a new bank account for school needs, have to go body check up..
Have to prepare for PTPTN loan things..
Have to apply for some scholarships..

Have to buy loads of things..
New sneakers.. I've been wearing my old sport shoes for..erm.. since Form1 and the colours are peeling off..
Reebok<< good quality.. comfortable~

Jeans and long pants.. I ONLY have 2 pieces of long pants in my wardrobe.
Shorts~ I got plenty but unfortunately.. It's not allowed..

Need to buy some polo tees.. cos most of my shirts are sleeveless.. =_=

Slippers.. need a 100% rubber one (Yi Tong says it will be easier to clean and dry up).

Need a set of bedsheets.. I am looking for a baby pink one!!! 
Tell me if you know where got sell.

I wish my house is just beside the campus.

I'll update more often! 
Thats all for now.

1 comment:

yi tong XPP said...

i bought my bedsheet and comforter last time when we go genting XPP VV nice...and i had a pink one with pink and flowery comforter (available at pasar) and i have one purple one with tigger XPPPP hehehehehe XPP and eddie boro me a v smooth one, dark blue and light blue with moon and the word "good dream" de XPPP wakakakakka!!!