Monday, July 13, 2009

MUET Result

MUET ( Malaysian University English Test) results came out today...

Sharp at 12am midnight.

I was not feeling well last night so I slept early.
Never thought of waking in the midnight to check the result.

12.51am.. my dad entered my room.
Ask for the cool fever sheets.. cos my youngest brother is fever also.
(Just nice, the sheets are for children)

My dad woke me up and I saw Yoke Ling's message... telling me tat she got band 4.
I quickly send a msg to MOE and check mine.
Band 4.

Honestly, before the exam, my target is Band 5. But after it, I knew that I didnt do well in my writing part... So I lowered my target to Band 4.

Band 4. It's what I get.

At first, I didnt feel anything. But when I got my result slip..
I sighed.

5 more marks to Band 5.

My friends told me.. A high band 4 is good enough.

To me, a loser is a loser. 5 more marks so what?
I dont have tat 5 marks to make me to Band 5.

Thats all.

1 comment:

Thai Ming said...

u should edit ur pic by cover the IC number.. its more safety @@