Thursday, December 11, 2008

Another topic about frens…

Frens frens frens…

I met an old fren today. A primary school fren…
I look at her, she looked back. She didn’t recognize me so I didn’t walk up to say Hi..
Don’t feel like walking up to talk to her.
No topic of conversation…

A bit worried, will my present frens becomes stranger to me in the future?
I like my frens. I love my frens (especially the gals)
They are my memories… full with laughter and joy… plus a bit of sadness and bad days…

When one of them become rich, will they forget one another?
Will some of them become proud and vain when they success?
Will it be the same when we meet again in the future?
Still talk non-stop?

Cant forget the happy moments.

Hope to have a trip going out altogether…
Back to the old schooldays…

Wondering how the schooldays will be if I’m studying with nubnub again…
Being like an auntie, guarding after him ^_^ make him do his homework… stay awake in the class…
Hahax… Must be fun.

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