Friday, September 9, 2011

House Cleaning

In UMT, hostel is only for first years.. from second years onwards, you either need to be active in co-curricular activities or excel in studies to apply hostel..
And so, me, this kind of lazy bum sure not eligible.. and so, I move out.

In my first year I am already very active in looking for houses and so, I got one, from my seniors..

It is already very messy and after 4 months of holidays, it turns into a jungle... Please view the evidence~

 Backyard~ =_=
*with 5 missing manholes cover*

Front compound...

Kitchen's window.. and the door to backyard WTF.

 My room... 
*share with Ling*

 My front door, with piles of rubbish~

My living room, with loads and loads of stuffs unpacked...

These are all the *before* photos.. Now everything is cleaned and packed and now the house is great ^.^
Thanks to all the co-operative and kind housemates.. Never selfish and dont mind to do more...


hwaism said...

How many ppl stay one house like tat?

hwaism said...
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Sherry said...

10 of us live here.. XP