Thursday, November 26, 2009

the distance between my ambition and my result

okay.. all the Paper 2 have past.. not good for me.

Have to start preparing to face the failure.

The worst paper is Chemistry. Which is a very important paper. If we fail this paper, we're not allowed to apply any courses related to Science.

What is my ambition actually?

I dont have big ambitions.
I am not putting a "MUST" in some particular field, for eg: doctor, pharmacist or police~

Still not sure what I wanna be.

Before this, I hope to take some Environmental courses.
Hope can contribute a bit to save our mother Earth.
Seems like it's just a dream.

Actually, any job is alright.
As long as it's legal and 对得起良心.

My parents cannot afford to send me to private institutions.
So I will take any courses offered by government.
Even in rural areas.

I know my result wont be good.
I know what type of answers I put there.
How ridiculous.
How funny.
How idiotic.

Dont even understand the question.

And most of the tips given DO NOT appear in the exam.

Art courses are okay for me.
As long as my job in the future can provide enough money for me eat and shop.
I dont yearn for luxuries.

Just dont let me die for hunger.

And I promised my dad to buy him a plot of land for him to plant chilli for my mum.
I really wanna buy for him.

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