Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Me Now

Okays... after the holiday... now back to the usual me.

Study.. sleep... watch tv... eat...

This is what I did everyday.

Time seems to pass so fast.
Sleep and wake up... time passes... and deadline coming nearer and nearer.
And yet, I'm still not aware of it.

In my opinion... I think I have never improved before.

For example, my English.
I never improved it since Form 3. So that's my language sucks.
People blog with beautiful language... nice explanation that make you feel like you're really experiencing the same thing...
Mine? =_= full of this >> =_= sign and loads of broken English plus rojak language.
I cant help it... this is my language style.
Who can help me improve my English.. If I continue using this kind of way to speak English, I'll be a clown when I enter university.

Now is about my studies.
I had been slacking for a long long while.

It's exam season for me now. And yet, I'm still hanging out with my darlings...
blogging.. shopping... and spending...
Have you experienced before
Looking at the exam paper, staring it it.. with your mind all blank. Dunno what is it asking about.
I tried before.
But luckily, my common sense help me a lot. =_= Yeah, answering my Bio paper with common knowledge.
Actually I'm not the only one doing so for the Bio paper. We all consider the questions "low standard" because, we all don't know.
In this world, only tat weirdo can set those questions.

Third topic of discussion. Time-Waiting

Punctual : Tougher than running 1km under the hot sun.
When I says we meet at 8am, means we all will see each other at 8am, not start preparing at 8am.
This is Malaysian culture. Being late.
The never look at the time.
8am means 8.30am.. or maybe later.
When they says "I'm on the way", it actually means that "I just get out of my house" or "I just moved my fatty ass off my chair".
I don't like waiting.

Ps: I wrote this is not to criticise somebody. Just let you all know that this is a serious matter.
Just imagine if we all are not punctual when we're working nex time.. So bad...

Enuff for today.
Continue nex time.

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