Saturday, September 27, 2008


Steamboat party maybe cancelled...

1) someone not free (I dont want anyone missing)
2) someone having exams soon, shud stay at home more to do revisions
3) i'm broke recently
4) after eating will be cleaning... after cleaning will be hungry again (me)

Many people not free... I dont want to force you all to gather up.

26 November 2008 start, I know that we'll be like tis one day.
Not united. Everyone have a reason for not turning up... (not only during this steamboat party)

I'm not blaming anyone, cos everyone have their very reasonable reason.

Maybe to some of you, having new frens is also the same.

I'm sad. Sad because of...
close frens are no longer good frens...
good frens are no longer close frens...

Luckily, I still have you with me. Thank you very much for staying beside me all the time.

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