Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I think of you when I drink this.

I read a book about training our memorizing skills and the simple trick is to relate one thing to another and thus, whenever you saw one, you will be reminded of another.

I am bad in remembering name and faces. Cannot seems to connect them.

But I remember moments.Those precious little cherished thoughts.
Today, I would like to share my cherished thoughts about drinks.

Have you heard of Mango Gina?
Long time ago, he brought me, my brother, my cousin and two of my childhood buddies for a road trip, we all still kids =) . We stopped by in the mid-way for drinks. We ordered a can of soya bean each and decided to race each other to finish the drink. It's dumb. I forgot who won or who was the last but I remember the laughters and the joy. It's one of the most precious memory I had with him.
Okay, why Mango Gina? Haha.
After we went home, we all race again and this time with Mango Gina. Soya bean is quite common so whenever I thought of the 5 of us with him, I thought of Mango Gina. Or vice versa.

Guiness Stout.
We called it "black dog beer". Whenever I saw this, I think of you, my sweetest grandpa. When I was a kid, you brought us out for supper everytime we visited you. And you will order a bottle of this and drink it with ice. Just like all kids, we love ice. You will let us sip and gulp in your glass to get the ice..


I drink this all the time and quite frequently. So not everytime I drink I thought of you, but when I thought of you, I will think of coke.A long distant memory. You have become a stranger to me now but then, you are once someone very dear to me.

Lastly, Bandung Soda/ Bandung Ice.

I never like this drink and I used to scold my bro for drinking this "dye" water. And I dunno since when I start falling in love with this drink and I drink it almost everyday now. Is it because of the dinner at Tappers we ordered this? Or the supper at the malay stall? I don't know when this fondness starts exactly but then whenever I drink this, I will think of you, my noob fatty. And I missed you so much. Truly.

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