Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My 21st Birthday

Birthday Eve

Went to yum cha at Blue Sky Bistro (dunno whether the name is correct XD)..
Then we went to poooooling~~~ lalala..

*Chun Chun called me and wish me Happy Birthday~~~

After pooling, we send Fei home.. Stickkie brought me to his home to eat cake, he said his house got cake..

When I reach his house, he gave me my present to went to the kitchen to take out the cake..
Then, I heard noises outside and Yi Tong, Sek Yen, Fei, Hwa and Mok turned up.. O.O
And sang a funeral march toned "Happy Birthday" song.. XPXPXPXP

Stickkie came out with a Secret Recipe chocolate banana cake... yummies maksimum!!

Didn take the photo of the cake before cutting.. XD

 My present.. hehe.. 

Guess what's that~~~ <3

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