Thursday, October 27, 2011

Birthdays @ Housemates

Jit Foon's birthday is coming soon and all of us are excited and keep on planning how to celebrate for her..
The very first proposal is from Yen Li: celebrate at Kuantan..
But we cancelled the Kuantan trip and thus, we decided to celebrate her birthday at Yes Corner (Japanese restaurant).

We ady planned the whole thing.. who buy cake and how to deliver the cake to the restaurant without her noticing and who fetch her to the restaurant and everything..

The make many safety precautions..
5 of them went to town and bought the cake, and when they reach home, there are not allowed to come in.. *Reason: dont want to attract any attentions from upstairs (People upstairs will look down from the balcony whenever out house's gate opened)*
They put the cake at next door's fridge >.<

I am in the same car with Jit Foon.. and I didn't take part in the safety precautions procedure and I'm not trained to keep it secret and so, I am so blurred that I ask "Who is taking the cake" in the car and Chia Yin and Yen Li quickly cover up for me =_=..
Luckily Jit Foon didnt notice anything.. >.<

Ps: my housemates... XD 

Reach the restaurant, they make Jit Foon sat beside me.. 

My soba.. Yummy maximum!!!

*I really really like Japanese food very much XD*

And when the food are finished.. they go prepare the cake..
They took soooo long time and we keep on taking photos to distract Jit Foon.. >.<

Finally the cake is out... and Oh My God~~

My name is there... XD

They celebrate our birthdays together!! 
 10 of us.. all wearing specs~~

Make a wish!!

Had a very great nite out with my housemates.. 

Back home, Jing Rui uploaded all photos on facebook  and 10 of us start liking and commenting at each other's photos XD

And finally, good night!

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