Saturday, August 13, 2011

Potluck Gathering ^_^

Once a year, our Old Gang Group (O.G.G.) will organise a gathering.. 
This year, s few of them is missing... (Chun, Mok, Sek Yen and Jun Kit)

Each of us must bring at least one dish..

Me: Fried black pepper spaghetti with mushroom
Stickkie: Ma Po Taufu
Tong: Ham Kok Zai
Eddie: Pineapple with Cheese + sunquick
Ong: mashed potatoes
Hui Xin: Fried chicken wing (as usual)
Fei: ice and plates XD
Mei Yee: mushroom with fish cakes + cheese hotdogs
Ling: fried balls...(fish balls, sotong balls, crab balls and dragon balls)
Hwa: Yong tau fu
Kei: jelliesss
Sundra: French fries
Jie Jie: watermelon

 At the beginning.. ^^

 The foooooddddssss... ^^


 Jie Jie with his camera 

 This is So Po. 

 tjk tjk tjk

 so poh darlingssss... ^.^

 Ah Hwa super shots...


 The honeyyyyssss ^.^

 Super thin Mei Yee

 All of us... *before editssss*

After adding everyone!

Each of us with our own worksss

 Karaoke time~~~


 nice lighting... ^^

 Me and Stickkie

Playing with that super cute thing!

Hope that everyone will come on the next gathering!

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