Thursday, December 16, 2010

How is my holiday?

First of all.. I did spend some time to do my art and crafts..

didn take the photos of the thing inside.. XP

I did spent some time in kitchen.. ^^

I did spent some time with friends.. Although not much..

I did spent a lot of time on tv.. XP

I did spent a lot of time with Stickkie..

And I did spent a lot of money. =_=

I bought a new external hard disk.. Cos the one I'm using previously is severely sicked.. 
Need to hold it all the time when I want to use it.. And it disconnect a few times when I was trying to copy a single file..

Nice? ^^ I bought the pink.. erm.. it's abit red..
RM200 for 500gb.. With such beautiful design!

Suprisingly.. I didn bought much clothes.. *good girl*

And Stickkie taught me how to change icons.. 

Cute rite? ^^

Family Part~

Had a one day trip to KL with my mum and two brothers..
My dad fetch us there early in the morning and drop us at my cousin's house.
Then, my cousin brought us out.. ^^

 This is my youngest brother.. 

My youngest cousin sister *mum's side* with my bro..

We took a 9.45pm train back to Kampar and Stickkie fetch us home..
Tired day out.. and I just bought ONE shirt. 

At home..
Mum cooked curry chicken.. Spicy Thai style Tanghoon Salad.. Yummy..
All mum's dishes are awesome!! The soups.. the veges..

Saw baby Hin Hin twice via webcam.. 
He is still so adorable!! 
Miss him so much.
Not only me.. mum and dad too..

Played games with two of my noob brothers.
Yes. I did bullied them.. haha..

This is my another brother. 

Starts something emo..

What is home? Sigh.. I've came back for 2 weeks already.. and another two weeks more I had to leave.
This is like a place where I spend my holidays..
I wish I could go back to last time.. Stay at home all the time.. No need to worry about leaving..
Now.. I felt so emo whenever I thought of leaving again. 
This is my home.. and I have to leave.

Feels like I haven had enough at home.
I haven sleep my bed enough.
Haven sit on the sofa enough.
Haven watch my tv enough.
Haven ride enough my dad's new car.. *I think I've ride it once only since I came back*

I feels like dont want to leave home.

And, my university have confirm about the new semester break system..
I will have 18 weeks of holidays continuously next year.. From 8thMay to 10thSeptember.
Means.. I can only have one Go-Home break in the whole year..
I dont want.. 
How can I stand the balance 8 months continuously in Terengganu?


These are the cost of growing up.
I gained something I lost something.



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