Thursday, October 15, 2009


This year, my honeys are not coming back to celebrate my birthday with me...

Wai Kei celebrate my birthday with me every year since Form 1...

And also Yang Jie.. Yi Tong and Hui Xin...

Hope Yi Tong can come back..

Miss you all very very very much.
Miss your smile.
Miss your voice.
Miss your thurder loud laughing sound.
Miss your violent push.
Miss your warm warm hug (oni the gals one).

So.. this year, I invite my new classmates (my From 6 friends)...
Next year, all of us will further our studies at different places, so, we may not have the chance to celebrate together again.

Acquaintances coming in and out of our life...

We met different people daily... and some will leave deep memories in our heart.

Last year, when I realised that my beloved frens are leaving me, I felt so desperate...
Praying everyday that I can enter any school that can be with them.
Dont want to separate with them.

But at last, I entered Form 6, which lead me to another pathway.
Making new frens, which help me to walk though my last year of school life.
Memorable ones... sweet ones... scary ones... and irritating ones...
I wont forget any of them.

We have gone through difficult times together...
Mr Au's class...
working together to clean up our class...
doing funny experiments (never success one)..

But soon.. we'll separate.

Life continue going.

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