Saturday, February 7, 2009

What m i doin recently?? Hmm...

ok... its time to tell u all bout my hectic life now...

After new year means study again...

Stupid Maths... damn many h/w... I still got plenty haven complete... Luckily I borrowed Miss Lim Yoke Ling n Miss Chin Sook Fun's to do some scanning and copying plus some modifying ^__^

First time mentioning their name in my blog?
Okay.. I'll do some brief intro..

they're always arguing and making noise... Sook Fun is small, so everyone always make fun of her.. hahax... especially the two "women" of our class...

Sook Fun is another "Wai Kei" type of gal in study.. always complete her homework on time... Revising school books everyday... which makes me and Ling admires her very much...

I n Ling are almost the same type of person when studying. One word to express -lazy-..

Ling copied Sook Fun's h/w... I copy Ling's.. *wink*


Less time going out... less time meeting nubnub...
long time didn see Fei...
I missed noisy Yi Tong...
Kei is still like tat.. stress studying...
Hui Xin is still the same... likes people calling her leng lui... <- cant help it..

Missed MapleStory suddenly... long time no play... dunno how's my MilkSherry... Q.Q after STPM I must play it again!

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