Sunday, January 18, 2009

Experiment 17: Mammals Dissection

I, Chun and another classmate Tat Kong, went to Pusat Penyelidikan Haiwan at Ipoh to fetch the little mice... 65 of them.. Erm.. Mr Au is along with us... The mice stinks... Smells terrible... but they are super cute... Sry I dont have a photo of them, cos they are too smelly.. I cant go nera them to take a photo... I'll upload some when i got some from the frens...

The moment... when all of us feel really sorry... for the mice... sacrificing their lives... for us to gain some knowledge...

peeling of the skin...
(majority says this is most terrible part)

The below picture are not my mouse... mine are too ugly... so I took the picture of my fren's mouse...

the heart, lungs and rib cage are removed..

the mouse inside the killing jar

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