Monday, August 11, 2008


Finis tuition... my dad not around... call Fei to fetch me bac...
Driving slowly... suddenly a cow ran out... we cant stop... its too near...

Tis is what I get...

my leg...(very minor compared to my arms and waist)

on my waist...

my elbow...

Maybe to a normal human, its not that pain, but for me... its like taking my life. I hate scratches. I hate bleeding. I hurt my head... first time seeing blood dripping from my head... like a tape that have not closed properly... like a burette... dripping the KA2 solution we used in experiments...
A very good experience for me...

I'm a super cry baby... When the doctor is treating my wounds... I cried and cried...

Somebody still can joke bout it. Laugh at me. Me ady enuff bad luck ler, still wan laugh. Heartless!!!

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