Finding all info bout Alternative Energy. Not Alternative Energy, but Tenaga Alternatif. =_= This is the worst part. I cant find a single normal webpage translator for English-Malay. The best I can find is an on9 English-Malay dictionary. So, I have to translate those English sentences to Malay one by one. So tiring. I'm bad in Malay, thus, it makes my work harder.
This is the sentence I hate the most. (a super easy English sentence)
Over 80 percent of all electricity produced by renewable sources is produced by large hydroelectric dams.
Lebih daripada 80% daripada semua elektrik yang dijana daripada sumber tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui dihasilkan daripada empangan-empangan yang besar.
The sentence in Malay is so so so weird.
Ok. Secondly is, our dedicated teacher is giving us a test when school reopen. A test about all dasar-dasr in Malaysia. Fck! Do you know how many dasar Malaysia have?
And some noob dasar have the same objectives. =_= How to differentiate them? How to memorise all?
Lastly (the worst one)
Thanks to my super hard working teacher, we're having extra classes during the holiday.
She says the classes is about 2 hours time. But it will surely extended them to three hours due to her "so many things to teach" skeme.
We cant skip the class. She will spot out any single student who miss the class and ask you for explanation.
Dun try to give her lame excuses. She'll make you feel guilty.